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Supporting neurology practices in providing high quality care and managing their practices

Change Healthcare Outage

CMS issues guidance concerning advanced payments in response to Change Healthcare Cyberattack.

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Guidelines Open for Comment

Review and comment on the following draft guidelines.

Recent Guidelines

Read the most recently published guidelines.

Browse all Guidelines

Find guidelines by trending topic, by status, or view all.

Monoclonal Antibodies Resources

Find the latest information about monoclonal antibodies for Alzheimer's Disease.

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Billing and Coding

Code accurately and maximize your reimbursement with these AAN resources.


During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and beyond, understand how technology can extend your reach to your patients.

Health Information Technology

Access technology and electronic health record (EHR) resources for information, templates, and educational offerings.

Medicare Fee-for-Service

Grasp the changing landscape of Medicare with the information you need to know.


Discover data to help improve your practice.

Practice Top 5

Access Top 5 lists, such as operations and regulations, to help you understand complex practice issues.

Practice Management Webinars

Gain valuable insight to help navigate through the changes that lie ahead in the new health care landscape.

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Open for Public Comment

Review and comment on the following draft measures and guidelines.

Development Process

Gain an understanding of how the AAN develops clinical quality measures relevant to a neurology practice.

Patient Reported Outcomes

Information on Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Scales and Tools to assist in your implementation in practice.

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View all AAN's current quality measurement sets, reporting initiatives, and other resources.

Clinical Informatics: The Nervous System of Health Care

Access resources on the science of information that is transforming health care.

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Quality Toolkit

Learn about quality and what the AAN is doing to help neurologists provide high-quality care.

Patient Safety

Discover more efficient office practices and risk management strategies for increasing your patients' safety.

Program Director Resources

Resources to help meet ACGME requirements for patient care, practice-based learning, and systems-based practice.

Emerging Issues in Neurology

Read guidance about new or emerging issues in neurology that have immediate implications for patient care

COVID-19 Resources

Access resources for addressing COVID-19 in your practice post-public health emergency.

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Quality Payment Program

Focuses on improving quality of care and health care costs for Medicare patients through two tracks: MIPS and Advanced APMs

Value-Based Care Practice Models

Opportunities to learn about innovative payment and care delivery models for neurology

Team-Based Care

Resources to help APPs advance professionally and build on their knowledge