The AAN seeks scientific abstracts throughout the year for presentation at the Annual Meeting. View current open abstract submission opportunities and deadlines, submission guidelines, and browse previously accepted abstracts.
Abstract Submissions
Abstract submissions for the 2025 Annual Meeting are now closed. Abstracts are currently under embargo until March 6 at 4:00 p.m. ET.
Research Abstracts
Search abstracts featuring the latest scientific research from the Annual Meeting and Summer Conference.
2024 Annual Meeting Emerging Science
View the late-breaking abstracts from the 2024 Annual Meeting
2023 Annual Meeting Emerging Science
View the late-breaking abstracts from Emerging Science at the 2023 Annual Meeting
Experts rate the abstracts on scientific merit, breadth of audience interest, and quality of presentation, including compliance with the guidelines and instructions. The AAN encourages international submissions. Please review for proper English usage. If an abstract contains material that has been previously published or presented, that information must be disclosed on the submission.
The AAN REQUIRES that all authors organize their abstract body under the following headings: OBJECTIVE, BACKGROUND, DESIGN/METHODS, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS. There is a maximum of 300 words allowed per abstract. The word count includes the body only. Please do not include any institution names in the abstract body. Tables and figures are not allowed.
Case reports are allowed and should use the headings that are applicable to their work. Case reports are not required to use all five headings (Objective, Background, Design/Methods, Results, Conclusions) if not applicable. Please include “Not applicable” or “NA” in the headings that are not applicable to your work.
Study designs are allowed for Phase 3 or late-phase clinical trials only.
The AAN adheres to the regarding authorship and AI tools. The policy states: “Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics. In addition, authors should not upload an accepted or published manuscript or any part of it into a generative AI tool as this may violate the copyright agreement or licensing terms in effect at the time of acceptance.”
NOTICE: The AAN Science guidelines specifically address the parsing of results of a single research study into multiple abstract submissions. Examples of this approach include (a) submission of two different abstracts from a single study 鈥 one reporting safety data and the other efficacy data 鈥 rather than submitting one abstract; and (b) submission of one abstract on efficacy in the entire study cohort, and another abstract on subgroup analyses. Sometimes identified as the “smallest鈥恜ublishable unit” strategy, this strategy runs counter to the high standards of scientific presentation at the AAN. Unless a compelling rationale is provided and each abstract clearly cross鈥恟eferences other abstract(s) generated from the same study, the AAN reserves the right to exclude or merge your submissions.
Abstracts must be submitted online from the official AAN abstract submission website. Please proofread your abstract before submitting it to ensure the abstract content and author information are correct. Accepted abstracts will be published online exactly as they are submitted. Submitters can update abstracts after they have been submitted, but prior to the submission deadline. Minimal changes may be able to be accommodated after the submission deadline by contacting AAN staff at science@aan.com. Any changes made after the deadline may not be reflected in the publication version of the abstract. Significant changes should be made at the time of presentation. Any abstracts not submitted for presentation will not be published in the Neurology® online supplement.
The AAN is concerned about the perception of industry influence and the science presented at the Annual Meeting and regional conferences. All accepted abstract presenters must complete a Letter of Agreement to present at the AAN. Information about this will be sent with the acceptance email.
All abstract authors are required to complete the AAN Disclosure Statement. The disclosure statement will be completed as a step immediately following the submission process. Presenting authors may not enter the disclosure information on behalf of each co鈥恆uthor during the submission process. Each author must submit their own disclosure through the AAN website. Once the abstract has been submitted, an email with a direct link to the disclosure site will be sent to all authors who do not have a disclosure on file. The submitting author will be able to see which authors have not completed their disclosures via the submission site. Disclosure information must be on file for all authors for your submission to be considered complete. Disclosure information will be published online in advance to the Annual Meeting or regional conferences. The AAN also requires that you disclose this information to the audience before or during the presentation. Full disclosure is an ACCME requirement to which the AAN must adhere.
The content of the accredited CME activity is limited to basic science research (e.g., pre鈥恈linical research, drug discovery) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug. In these circumstances, the faculty, if an industry employee, will not be permitted to present content related to clinical applications of the research/discovery or clinical recommendations concerning the business lines or products of their employer.
Guidelines to govern the interaction between Annual Meeting and regional conference speakers (including directors, faculty, co-chairs, and abstract authors) and industry (any entity producing, marketing, re鈥恠elling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients) and their third鈥恜arty representatives:
For AAN speakers:
- Directors are responsible for selecting speakers without influence from industry.
- Content creators are responsible for creating program content without influence from industry.
For industry employees and/or their third鈥恜arty representatives:
- Industry employees cannot be AAN award recipients.
- Industry employees cannot serve as course directors.
- Industry employees cannot serve on CME content鈥恈reating committees (including the Meeting Management Committee, Science Committee, 好色先生 Committee, Conference Subcommittee, Abstract Reviewers, and Topic Workgroups).
- Industry employees are permitted to be abstract authors.
- Industry employees may serve as course faculty, provided that the content of their talk is limited to basic science research (e.g., pre鈥恈linical research, drug discovery) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug.
In instances where a company may be providing support for a presentation:
- Industry supporters and/or their third鈥恜arty representatives cannot create or influence content for education and scientific presentations.
- Industry supporters and/or their third鈥恜arty representatives cannot approach education and scientific program faculty concerning conference reports or other program summaries.
- Industry supporters and/or their third鈥恜arty representatives cannot create any promotional materials (print, digital, social media, or otherwise) in relation to AAN education and/or science programs, including courses, posters and platform sessions, experiential learning areas, and AAN鈥恆ssociated events.
- Promotion of AAN poster titles, topics, dates, times, and locations within the exhibitor’s booth space in the convention center at the Annual Meeting is permitted. Late-breaking Science presentations are excluded from promotion in exhibitor’s booth space.
During submission, the author's demographic information is collected. The AAN is committed to building and sustaining an inclusive organization that respects and values the diversity of our membership and the communities we serve and promotes equity in professional advancements and compensation. AAN meetings and conferences thrive when a rich diversity of backgrounds is present. The demographic information provided during submission relating to author identity assists the AAN in developing strategies for creating inclusive meetings and conferences.
Using the dropdown menus under Topic Choice, indicate the topic under which you want your abstract reviewed. Please select the topic and subtopic that most accurately reflects your abstract topic. Submitters can also select a secondary topic and subtopic. The AAN’s Science Committee reviews topics each year to ensure they correspond with current neurological issues. Note: Final decision on the topic and presentation type (poster or platform) is determined by the Science Committee.
Accepted abstracts are required to be presented in-person and require registration to the Annual Meeting or regional conference. Accepted abstracts are presented in either platform sessions, poster sessions, or Neuroscience in the Clinic programs. The AAN's Science Committee makes the final decision on approval, abstract assignment, and presentation type based on scientific merit and program considerations. Authors later withdrawing their abstracts based upon the presentation type that has been selected for their abstract may be subject to AAN sanctions. Any changes in presenter should be emailed to science@aan.com and include the abstract title, ID number, and the presenter’s name.
Authors may only be the first author on a maximum of two abstracts (excluding abstracts submitted to Practice, Policy, and Ethics; 好色先生, Research, and Methodology; and History of Neurology). There is no maximum number for co鈥恆uthors— an author can serve as a co鈥恆uthor on as many abstracts as applicable. For groups submitting multiple abstracts, we ask that no single individual present more than two abstracts in platform sessions. We encourage younger members of the Academy to present work in which they are involved. The first author is the contact for the abstract. If you submit an abstract and are not the first author, please note that abstract notifications and communications will be sent to the first author. Please do not include study groups as authors, each author should be added individually to complete their disclosure form.
The AAN defines an author as a person who has made a substantive intellectual contribution to the submitted abstract.
A substantive contribution includes one or more of the following:
- Design or conceptualization of the study
- Major role in the acquisition of data
- Analysis or interpretation of the data
- Drafting or revising the manuscript for intellectual content
Professional writers employed by pharmaceutical companies or other academic, governmental, or commercial entities who have drafted or revised the intellectual content of the paper must be included as authors. "Guest" or "honorary" authorship based solely on position (e.g., research supervisor, department head) is not permitted.
AAN Annual Meeting Abstracts
A $225 non鈥恟efundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by non鈥恗embers.
A $125 non-refundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by members.
Late-breaking Science Abstracts
A $275 non鈥恟efundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by non鈥恗embers.
A $175 non-refundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by members.
Summer Conference Abstracts
A $100 non鈥恟efundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by non鈥恗embers.
A $50 non-refundable submission fee will be charged for all abstracts submitted by members.
The AAN encourages trainees to submit abstracts. PhD Candidates, Junior Fellows, Junior Interns, Junior Post Docs, Junior Residents, and Students (Medical or Graduate) may submit their abstract at no charge. The submission fee for the abstract is based on the first author's training status. Your abstract will not be considered complete if you are required to submit payment but fail to do so. If an abstract is submitted, and subsequently withdrawn or deleted by the author, no refund will be processed.
Accepted abstracts will be published in a Neurology® online supplement. Please double-check your abstract submission to ensure all abstract text and author information are correct. Email science@aan.com if you have any edits after the submission deadline. Any changes made to the abstract may not be reflected in print or online publications depending on when the request is made.
There are an increasing number of commercial organizations that are offering highlights of annual meetings, including that of the 好色先生. At times, individuals from these organizations may indicate that they have some relationship with the Academy and will ask for you to provide illustrations, tables, or major elements of your presentation for inclusion. While it is the goal of the Academy to bring material presented at the Annual Meeting and regional conferences before the public and the profession, we want to let you know that any communication regarding your presentation before or after the AAN Annual Meeting or regional conferences will only be through the Academy Office. Any unauthorized use of Annual Meeting or regional conference presentation material may result in AAN sanctions.
Abstract embargo date and time for the AAN Annual Meeting or regional conferences will be published in the abstract guidelines.
AAN Annual Meeting abstracts, not including late-breaking science abstracts, are allowed to be presented at subspecialty meetings as long as the abstract has not been selected for the AAN Annual Meeting press release program. Authors will be notified at acceptance if their abstracts have been selected for an AAN press release. Embargo dates for abstracts to be featured in an AAN press release will be communicated to the authors of those abstracts. Authors of abstracts featured in an AAN press release, as well as all late-breaking abstract authors, must abide by AAN Embargo Policies.
The submitting author certifies that any work with human or animal subjects reported in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures endorsed by the 好色先生. Abstracts must comply with ethical guidelines for human and animal research, and authors may be asked to supply added documentation.
Withdrawal requests are permitted until the published deadline. However, not all withdrawals will be reflected in print or online publications depending on when the withdrawal request is made. Withdrawal requests should be submitted to science@aan.com and include the abstract title, ID number, and the presenter’s name. Authors should also provide reasoning for the withdrawal. Authors who do not notify AAN staff of withdrawal, notify AAN staff after the deadline, or do not provide a reason for withdrawal will be subject to sanctions. Because of the limited number of abstracts that are able to be accepted, authors are expected to make all efforts to attend the AAN Annual Meeting or regional conference to present their accepted abstract. Your payment will not be refunded if you withdraw your abstract.
Abstract first authors will be notified via email of the outcome of their abstract submission(s).
Abstracts will be rejected without review for the following reasons:
- Abstracts received after the submission deadline.
- Incomplete submissions and/or incomplete disclosure statement(s).
Instructions for submitted abstracts must be followed completely. Abstracts that do not conform to the prescribed rules will be rejected.